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Stogie Guys Friday Sampler No. 337

7 Jun 2013

As we have since July 2006, each Friday we’ll post a mixed bag of quick cigar news and other items of interest. Below is our latest Friday Sampler.

PA State Flag1) Pennsylvania has had a statewide indoor smoking ban over most “public” locales for almost five years. But now certain politicians are aiming to expand that regulation over establishments that are currently exempt, including bars, private clubs, and casinos. Interestingly, according to the Patriot News, these politicians also want to target tobacco manufacturers, wholesalers, and processors. Pennsylvania is home to significant cigar-related industry because of its unique ability to yield premium tobacco. The state also has a favorable tax climate for cigars, which is why huge internet retailers like Cigars International and Famous Smoke Shop are located there.

2) Time published a short feature about national smoking bans in which we learn some interesting information about anti-tobacco efforts overseas. For example, China’s nationwide indoor smoking ban, imposed in May 2011, has witnessed inconsistent enforcement. Some speculate this may have to do with the fact that “the government body in charge of carrying out national anti-smoking laws was also running the world’s largest cigarette maker.”

3) Inside the Industry: After we received hints from Drew Estate that the company will be making a cigar for Swisher’s new premium cigar division, Royal Gold Cigars, Cigar Insider confirmed the news and added the new smoke is scheduled for October and will be limited to 70,000 cigars in 2013. Espinosa Cigars announced a limited release addition to it’s 601 La Bomba line called “Warhead” that features a Connecticut broadleaf wrapper.

4) Deal of the Week: There are nine days until Father’s Day, and if you’re planning on getting dad cigars or a cigar-related gift, we’d appreciate it if you’d consider purchasing that gift from one of our retail advertisers (Signal Cigars, Smoke Inn, Corona Cigar Company, Mike’s Cigars or Emerson’s Cigars). Their support helps us dedicate the time and resources necessary to bring you our unique, independent daily articles about all things cigars. Many are currently featuring specials for Father’s Day. Thanks!

The Stogie Guys

photo credit: Flickr

2 Responses to “Stogie Guys Friday Sampler No. 337”

  1. Mike Friday, June 7, 2013 at 2:07 pm #

    I don't follow PA politics that closely, but I highly doubt this year's appempt to impose a ban goes very far. These same groups opposed the ban Gov. Rendell signed because of the many exemptions. PA doesn't have term limits, so most of the lawmakers who voted for the ban in 2008 are still in office.

    The gambling lobby is still powerful — probably more so– and will not give up its exemption. And as long as that is the case, the bar lobby, VFW lobby, etc., won't go along either.

  2. michaeljmcfadden Friday, June 7, 2013 at 8:27 pm #

    Mike, I wouldn't be so complacent in that belief if I were you. The antismoking lobby is moving into what it calls its "Endgame" phase: they've moved the smokers to ghettos, reduced their numbers by half, and are now discussing what last steps need to be taken. The May issue of their pet journal, "Tobacco Control," is even titled "Tobacco's Endgame."

    The gambling lobby isn't as powerful as they think they are: back in 2005/06 I tried to convince the Atlantic City Casino group to join small businesses to fight the bar ban there because the casinos would be hit next. They laughed at the idea and said they were much too powerful to ever be touched by the Antismokers. Two years later they had to ban smoking in all the casino bars and restaurants and on 75% of their gaming floors. A year after that they even briefly got hit with a full ban.

    Pennsylvania's small business owners and their patrons/customers need to be educated and mobilized to make a stink or they'll find themselves suddenly getting hit with a last minute fait accompli total ban squeezed in at midnight on the last session day. That's the way the lobby has worked all over the country, and that's what they'll pull here in PA. Remember how the initial PA vote went: the ban got voted DOWN one afternoon, and then somehow, under some obscure parliamentary rule (?) the same bill got voted on AGAIN and passed the following day.

    Google "V.Gen5H" and print up a few copies of "The Lies Behind The Smoking Bans" for your local watering hole or tobacconist: it presents a strong, well-referenced argument designed to get smokers and their friends angry… and it's that anger that's needed to fight this ban.

    – MJM